Thursday, October 29, 2009
this feeling
And I don’t want to ever let it go.
What is this feeling?
I think this feeling is Love.
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
tainted feeling
I am shattered by the night and I wish that I could hide, but here I am on my way to her home. I am out of my mind to be on the dark road on my way to her house, but somehow this feels right. My desperation to see her increases with every rock I past on this dirt road.
The few minutes I have waited is time she has stolen from me and I cannot get it back nor can I turn around and say “Farwell!”
I am waiting for you tonight and you are late. Finally she comes. The soft spoken words combined with the excitement of escaping is so enveloping that I want to seal this moment forever. But, however, I cannot control time of you. You are the person who makes me the one who I wish not to be. I am weak, fragile to every word you spool together, and confused of your actions that have me captivated. Don’t waste my time, for I have yet to leave, but continue to be brainwashed. Yes you are the only person who could and does do this to me and I hate you for your special power against me.
Monday, May 25, 2009
Gay Pride- IT'S ON!
LGBTQ members riding on bikes, waving rainbow flags, and chanting clever rhymes that summarize what they are marching for. In these parades we are all marching towards equality, and even though it may be small, we see it as a place to show and be proud of who we are. Whether we are lesbian, gay, bi-sexual, transsexual, questioning our sexuality, or even straight we show our true colors to the world.
So this summer show your support or celebrate who you are and attend a pride parade!
Here's a listing of local and foreign pride parades:
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
No Doubt baby!
About five years ago No Doubt was selling out large stadiums that were roaring with the lyric's to "Sunday Morning" and "Just A Girl," and their back to try it again.
"We need this sooo badly" Gwen says of their recent tour announcement.
"We've been in a drought for, like, years."
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Wingate High & AISES
Fort Wingate High School students (front, from left) Kyle Kyasyousie, Jerimiah Copi, Kimberly Becenti; (back) Shania Tom, LaToya Johnson, and Shayla Chatto recently took home honors in the Arizona Science and Engineering fair.— © 2009 Gallup Independent / Brian Leddy
Copyright © 2009
Gallup Independent
By Karen Francis
Diné Bureau
WINGATE — Upon arrival at the Wingate High School, a display case congratulates six students who placed in the top four of the Arizona Science and Engineering Fair competition held March 21-24 in Phoenix.
The students, members of the school’s American Indian Science and Engineering Society, traveled to the Arizona State University Polytechnic campus to compete in the regional science fair. Jen Nichols, the AISES sponsor, said there were schools from six or seven states participating.
Though they didn’t know if they would be able to make the trip because of numerous challenges — including decreased funds — they worked on their projects for the past four months.
“We just kept plugging away,” Nichols said.
Jeremiah Copi and Kyle Kyasyousie, both juniors, took third place in the medical and health category for their project researching modern and traditional medicines.
“It was awesome,” Copi said about the trip to Phoenix for the science fair. “We had a lot of fun.”
Kyasyousie added, “We met a lot of cool people.”
For their project, the two hypothesized that most people they surveyed would use traditional medicine, but they found that modern medicine was used by many of those they surveyed.
“In our results, we found that oftentimes both types of medicine are used depending on the severity of the illness,” the report stated.
Shania Tom and Kimberly Becenti, both sophomores, took third place in behavioral and social science category. The two looked at the effects of different types of music on students’ reading and math test scores.
Tom said that they found that music was not necessarily a distraction for students.
About placing at the regional science fair, Becenti said, “We were surprised because there was a lot of other people.”
She said that they chose the topic because they thought it would be a lot of fun.
Sophomores Shayla Chatto and LaToya Johnson took fourth place in microbiology for their study comparing the effects of antiseptic mouthwashes in killing e. coli bacteria.
They found that Listerine provided the best antiseptic benefits among those they tested, which they had predicted in their hypothesis.
The two used ground beef, petri dishes and a control to test the effects of three mouthwashes by monitoring and recording bacterial growth.
Chatto and Johnson said that the field trip was fun and exciting.
Wingate High School AISES Vice President Britney King said she wasn’t surprised that her fellow club members placed at the science fair.
“I’m really proud of them,” she said.
Nichols said that academic field trips are important for students to connect their studies to the real world, meet new people and share new ideas.
“I think they deserve it,” she said.
Friday, April 17, 2009
Our Imagination
"Through our imagination and through exposure to the imagination of those we are constantly in the process of creating ourselves"- Jennifer Beals
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Open Letter
At first I thought Jennifer was talking about me (wishful thinking), because when Jennifer and Laurel attended an L Word Convention in Blackpool, England I sent them a letter that was put together from the lovely staff of (a Jennifer Beals and Laurel Holloman dedicated website check it out!). Here's an excerpt:
I have been watching The L Word since season three. I am so honored to have found The L Word and to have seen the work you two have both put into this. The L Word, Jennifer, and Laurel all have made a fine print in my life.
Since The L Word, I never knew that a show could have this kind of effect on me. This show has helped me discover who I truly am, it was one of the many factors that helped me come out as a lesbian. I started watching the show from season three. I will never forget the first time I saw it, it was the episode “Lifesize”, and from then on I couldn’t stop watching. When I continued to watch it, I found myself in a place where I felt so comfortable, so at ease, and most of all accepted, it was something that I cannot explain, but I knew it was where I belonged. That’s what The L Word and you guys, Jennifer and Laurel, have given me.
Jennifer, you have basically changed my life. You are such an inspiring woman who has made a huge impact on me. Through your strength, personality, what you have done with The L Word, with the issues that you care and have spoken about, and how you live your life so freely has helped me come out as a lesbian. I cannot express my deepest gratification for what you have given me; strength. Without you, The L Word, Tibette, and my strength to come out as a lesbian wouldn’t have happened. I will forever be thankful of you Jennifer.
Laurel, you are such an amazing actress and you complete Tibette. I could not see Tibette without you- I don’t think I could see The L Word without you. Your talent, your beauty, and all your hard work that you have put into The L Word, made Tibette what it is today. Thank you to the makers of The L Word, to Jennifer Beal’s most of all; who has given me the strength to be who I truly am, and to Laurel, for without you, Tibette would just be a country, but spelled wrong.
A Tibette Shipper
Thursday, March 26, 2009
To Love
side note: JB said this when George Bush was elected
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Homosexuality as a Mental Illness?
Why is this important?
• Gays are people too and are just like the rest of us
• This affects all gay individuals
• Homosexuality is not a mental illness
The American Psychiatric Association claim
• In 1952 the first edition of the American Psychiatric Association's Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-I) classified homosexuality as a mental disorder
Why did APA classify homosexuals as mentally unstable?
• They say; mental health professionals and society had miss leading information about homosexuality, since most studies only involved lesbians and gay men in therapy
What convinced them?
• They examined data about gay people who were not in therapy, intense lobbying by gay groups, new scientific information from researchers, and disagreement from the psychiatric ranks,
“Much objective scientific research over the past 35 years shows us that homosexual orientation, in and of itself, is not associated with emotional of social problems”- American Psychiatric Association (APA)
What if someone was troubled by THEIR OWN gayness?
• The label is “sexual-orientation disturbance." This was NOT a diagnosis, says the board of trustees
• Controversy rose when they removed the term “homosexuality” as a mental disorder because it went against the standard still used by the World Health Organization's ICD-10, the Chinese Classification, and Diagnostic Criteria of Mental Disorders and The Medical Council of India
• One person who was outraged at the new ruling was New York Psychiatrist Charles Socarides. He had been involved by circulating the petition demanding the unanimous vote.
"It is flying in the face of the one fact we know, which is that male and female are programmed to mate with the opposite sex, and this is the story of 2½ billion years of evolution and any society that hopes to survive."- Charles Socarides
• After they removed “homosexuality” as a mental illness in 1973, they replaced it in 1974 with a category of "gender identity disorder", which is a state of distress about a person’s sexual orientation, which is refering to transgendered or transsexual people. Although “gender identity disorder” is not exactly the same as “homosexual”, it is still assoiciated with the LGBT (lesbian, gay, bi-sexual, and transsexual) community
What the gay community/supporters had to say
• Gay activists claimed that gender-identity disorder should NOT be assumed to be abnormal, when it is usually an expression of healthy and normal pre-homosexuality
• They also thought the reclassification was much more than a matter of semantics. They feel that the mental-disorder stigma, which is a sign of social unacceptability, is the same reason and has long been used to deny them fair housing, child custody, employment, and immigration rights
• The author of the board's position paper on homosexuality, Psychoanalyst Robert Spitzer, supports their view
"One of the justifications for the denial of civil rights to individuals whose only crime is that their sexual orientation is to members of the same sex."- Robert Spitzer
Another supporter was
• Dr. Judd Marmor, a Los Angeles psychoanalyst and candidate for the American Psychiatric Association presidency, "It is unfair to label homosexuality in and of itself a mental illness, "That is a moral judgment."
The American Psychiatric Association changes it again!
• In 1980 the American Psychiatric Association again removed the category of “gender identity disorder” and replaced it with “ego-dystonic homosexuality.”
Other facts
• LGBT stands for Lesbian, Gay, Bi-sexual, and Trans-sexual
• Homosexuals today still are discriminated against
• Transgender means the person has not changed their reproductive organs
• For twenty-one years the American Psychiatric Association (APA) listed homosexuality as a mental disorder and in 1973 it was finally removed
• Transsexual means that the person has changed their reproductive organs
Where can I find more information?
“Whereas homosexuality per se implies no impairment in judgment, stability, reliability, or general social or vocational capabilities, the American Psychiatric Association (APA) calls on all international health organizations, psychiatric organizations, and individual psychiatrists in other countries to urge the repeal in their own countries of legislation that penalizes homosexual acts by consenting adults in private. Further, APA calls on these organizations and individuals to do all that is possible to decrease the stigma related to homosexuality wherever and whenever it may occur.” - By the Board of Trustees, December 1992